Are you looking to strengthen your Laravel website’s accessibility quickly? Skynet Technologies has developed an All in One Accessibility widget, which works well for your Laravel website. It will just take 2 minutes of installation to enable web accessibility on your Laravel website as per WCAG 2.1 standards. By making your Laravel website accessible, minimize the risk of lawsuit issues. The Laravel All in One Accessibility widget's free version makes your website compliant up to 20%; while the Pro version (annual subscription required) makes your website compliant up to 40%.
All in One Accessibility widget is based on assistive technology that helps organizations to enhance the accessibility and usability of any website. This interface allows users to select available accessibility features as per their needs and peruse the content. It works magnificently on both custom and template-based websites.
How to install Laravel All in One Accessibility widget on your website?
Set up All in One Accessibility widget on your Laravel website using following installation guide:
Get A Free Version (23 features)
Go to, Click on "GET FREE VERSION".
Sign Up, Fill your name, work email, and website URL.
After that, you will get an email of one liner code with instructions to install the free version of All in One Accessibility widget.
Copy the code and put it just before the end of 威尼斯人平台 国治模拟精品屋 乐清上班族论坛 七星鲁王官网 18183单机游戏频道 太阳城体育 健康私房话 青岛长途汽车网上售票平台 esball易世博 北方游戏网 企业谷 PLC之家 赌博平台 足球博彩平台 好东西网 延安赶集网 尽享网 大搜车 Terrans Force(未来人类)官方网站 优炫软件 180迈 中关村在线办公打印频道 英语学习网站大全 绥化天气预报 弹弹堂游戏风云官网 中华美术高考网 信阳公务员考试网 站点地图 中国科普网